Christmas Homily 2018

What has become of Christmas? Has the true meaning of Christmas been lost? I read somewhere that over the Christmas season in America 1 trillion dollars will be spent. I can’t imagine that. In pounds it's about 880 Billion. And all this pressure for many for just one day that goes very fast. The build up to Christmas, the present buying, the food and drink. And when you get to the shops you would think that the shops will never be open again. We put so much pressure on ourselves that we sometimes loose the try meaning. And yet with all this going on the shops are missing one special present. This present is not the latest gadget, not the trending must have this year. Not a chart song about Sausage rolls. But a present that came from God himself his Son. Jesus among us. His presence among us changes our lives it changes us it is not just for Christmas but His presence is with us in the many difficult times through the year and also all the good times those where we have laughed and celebrated where we have been joyful. For this present his presence is always with us. And yet for many around the world his presence is not felt even in this happy time. I want to read you some lyrics to a song: 

t's Christmas time, and there's no need to be afraid
At Christmas time, we let in light and banish shade
And in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy
Throw your arms around the world
At Christmas time

But say a prayer and pray for the other ones
At Christmas time, it's hard but while you're having fun
There's a world outside your window, and it's a world of dread and fear
Where a kiss of love can kill you, and there's death in every tear
And the Christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom

IT seems to me although tis song was originally used for those in Africa we can also use it for our city. For many its a lonely time a time where they feel the break up of family either through bereavement or break up. Where they look at the advertisements and the general mayhem and actually feel worse. 

I heard someone say the other day that they did a kind act for Christmas because its Christmas ok I thought but what about the rest of the year. For this presence of Jesus this present of God being with us always transforms us IT is a presence that the whole earth needs and helps us clearly understand and help change peoples lives. Christmas is therefore about giving more about doing more. Not more drink, or presents that end up in the bottom of the drawer but about giving more of ourselves, not more money, more time for others, more listening, more of being like Jesus so that others may experience this presence and present of Jesus. Imagine if 1 Trillion Dollars could be transported into acts of Charity, to acts of love to our brothers and sisters imagine how we could change our city our own lives and of those around us. 

So this year give presents of yourself your time your love, give a little more to those who are suffering or mis understood, give more of yourselves to the world. This is the true meaning of Christmas and why it should last all year round in the way that we spend time with others 


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