
 Over the last few years I have had major issues with the Catholic Church. I think that my issue is the authority of the Church and how many clergy, not all, use and abuse their power and class the laity as stupid idiots. I can say this as for 16 years I was a priest and caught up in the system. When you're in the middle of it you can't aways see what is going on around you. I could not see what the Church as a structure was doing to peoples lives. Until I was out I realised that the Church and Im talking about the Catholic Church here is full up of repressed men who are scared of change scared of themselves and scared of the laity. Those who speak out especially clergy who want significant change are laughed at by others and classed as trouble makers. This includes Pope Francis himself who wants change but sometimes can't get it because of what he has inherited. It is an issue that has gone on your centuries.  This does not allow for a healthy functioning Church. There needs to be an re organisation of the whole structure and a realistic look at what authority actually means.  Yes there are a few prophets in the Church but they are shouted down by the authorities so to keep their own egotistical power game. If only the Bishops and priests could actually learn from the person of Jesus and the Gospels.

Over the week of Easter we see the great example of Jesus. He showed the depth of his love for us. He bent down and washed the feet of all those who came to seek his help. He did not condemn he forgave and spread his arms out. If the Church followed his example and its leaders were really authentic disciples people would flock to the Churches and want to know more. It is strange that the Christian churches where numbers are growing are those that give a voice to its laity. That allow the Holy Spirit to flow through all members of it Church. Some members of the Catholic Church put the Holy Spirit in a box not allowing God's power and challenging its structures. 

Easter should be a time of new life and I pray that there is new life in the Church that we actually listen and learn from other Churches and actually really listen to the Holy Spirit. Let's pray they do. 


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