Novena thoughts
Day 1 Charity
The gift of Charity to all people is something that as disciples we should learn from Jesus his compassion and care for the people that he encountered inspires us to do the same:
Day 2: Joy.
To live with the Joy of the Resurrection is a real gift of the Holy Spirit. Let our hearts be open to the Joy that the Lord brings
Day 3: Peace
Today we focus on Peace. Not just for Peace between nations but also the gift of Peace for ourselves. To allow the Holy Spirit to help become more peaceful people. So that we may walk as bringers of peace to the people we meet.
Day 4: The gift of Patience
We live in a world where everything seems to move so fast that there is no time to think or pray. Because the world moves fast there seems to be an ever greater gift that disciples of Jesus ask for the gift if patience. To walk with another person to listen and also ask the Holy Spirit that we will have this gift not only for those who we meet but, also for ourselves: to be patient with ourselves when we get things wrong or when we lack understanding or when we can’t do something we use to because of age or health.
Day 5: The Gift of Kindness
The bases for Christian Kindness is about treating everyone with the dignity of a Child of God no matter if we get on with or not. Prayer and the gift of the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to see as Christ does and thats with Compassion and love.
Day 6: The gift of Faithfulness
God is ever faithful and faithful to the end. We know that we are weak and distracted with the things of this world. Sometimes we forget that you are always with us . Ask for the grace to always be faithful to God as God is to us.
Day 7: The gift of Courage
We live in a very secular world where we struggle to promote the ways of God. Sometimes we fall into the pattern of this world and do not have enough courage to be different to proclaim Christ. Let us ask today for the gift of courage to be a disciple of Jesus to show the love, compassion and the knowledge of Jesus to the world.
Day 8: The Gift of Awe and Wonder
Have you ever been for a walk through the Countryside or on the sea front and been amazed at the beauty of God’s Wonderful creation. We Sometimes stand in Awe and Wonder. We soak it and breath it in. Do we do the same when it comes to being in the presence of God especially in the Blessed Sacrament. Here is our God here is the presence of the divine. Do we sit in awe and Wonder at this just as much as we do with the beauty of the Created world. And thank Him as well. Let us ask for this gift of the wonder of God.
Day 9: The Gift of Praise
God is working in our lives and of those around us.He has been there in the Old Testament, The New Testament and in the world today. God is still at work changing and challenging us and filling us with his mighty power and love. Because of this we need to sing God praises. So one of the things that we must always do is to turn to the Lord and sing our own hymns of praise and worship to the God who loves us. Let us never get tired of praising him of thanking him of turning to him. . The gift of the Holy Spirit helps us to do this. The dynamic gift of God who fills our minds and hearts to praise the Lord our God.
Day 10: The Gift of the Holy Spirit.
This is an extra day as I started early.
- The gift of wisdom corresponds to the virtue of charity.
- The gifts of understanding and knowledge correspond to the virtue of faith.
- The gift of counsel (right judgment) corresponds to the virtue of prudence.
- The gift of fortitude corresponds to the virtue of courage.
- The gift of fear of the Lord corresponds to the virtue of hope.
- The gift of Reverence corresponds to the virtue of justice.
- To the virtue of temperance, no Gift is directly assigned; but the gift of fear can be taken as such, since fear drives somebody to restrict himself from forbidden pleasures.