The Debate Continues

I have been reading lately with interest the comments about what way the priest should face while saying Mass. And after reading some of the reports and questions I have been more aware of how I have been saying Mass. I have also been looking closely when I attend Mass or when I watch another celebrate Mass. So these thoughts are my own.

I love saying Mass and the celebration of the Mass is something that needs to be done with dignity and respect. IT is not about the priest and how he is feeling it is about God. We gather around the altar to be present to the saving work of Jesus Christ. So what have people come to Mass for. So I asked them. These are there responses and they have given me time to reflect on how I celebrate the Mass.

  • To Pray
  • To gather as community
  • Comfort and peace
  • To stop in the business of life
  • To receive grace from the Lord
The first one on the list is the most important for me. To pray the Mass rather than just say it. To put as it were my personality aside for a while and let God work through me. To help people to come and see the Lord and receive his grace.

This I feel can be done whatever way we stand as a priest. If the Mass is prayed wuith reverence and dignity then I do not feel that it matters. It is when the priests personality gets in the way.When the priest adds his own words to the words that have entrusted to the church that we get into trouble, then the people get angry. it becomes more about Father than about God.

The great thing about the faithful is that they love the Mass and therefore love the Lord let us endeavour to do that together.

The dignity of the Mass can be celebrated in any language facing the people or facing east. It can have guitar music, organ music or simply plain chant.

Lastly maybe a further question could be the placing of the tabernacle in relation to the altar especially in small churches or churches that already have a high altar. Should it be moved to the side or not? 


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