Can we call Job Depressed in today’s reading? I probably guess yes we can. He cannot see a way out of his cycle of depression or those days when we feel low. Everything seems that it has been destroyed and not worth much. We echo Job in saying “Will my eyes never again see joy.” There does not seem to be any way out.

There seems though to be a way out and that is in the God for he is the one who heals the broken hearted. He reaches out his hand and we can touch his hand to be healed. He wants to heal us and help us because we are his Children. The psalm also speaks that “he fixes the number of the stars he calls each one by its name.” What a wonderful God we have that even knows the names of the stars. If he calls each one of them by name how much more does he know us his Children and love us.

The depth of God’s love is shown in Jesus. Her in today’s Gospel we see that Jesus in the midst of his healing ministry. It seems that his fame has got bigger and many people are coming to be healed. He has touched the broken hearted he has touched those who are ill and not well.

Notice though what he does next. In the morning he got up early and went to pray. He could not do what he was doing without prayer and being alone with his Father. Through the many hardships and pain of this life and the joys as well we must focus our eyes on the Lord in prayer. Spending time with him. Being alone with the Lord in prayer sets us up for the joys and sorrows of the day. I have noticed that when I do not spend time with the Lord that my day is different. Every day we can and should devote a time to silent prayer to find our own “Lonely place and pray”


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