One day two men were walking along the seashore discussing the mystery of God. However they were not making much progress. Suddenly they came across a small boy planning on the beach. He had dug a hole in the sand and kept running down to the sea, dipping his toy bucket in the water and running back to the beach to empty the water into the hole. The two of them watched this boy for a while as he ran back and fi=fourth filling and emptying the bucket. They found the scene amusing. They went up to the boy and asked what he was doing. Very seriously he told them he was emptying the ocean into the hole he had dug in the sand.

The two smiled and walked on, resuming their discussion about God. After a while one of them stopped and said to the other “You, know we were amused just now when the child told us what he was trying to do. Yet what we have been doing in our discussion about God is exactly the same. It is impossible for us to understand the mystery of God is for that child to put the water of the ocean into the hole. Our minds are but thimbles, whereas the reality of God is as great as the ocean.

The mystery of God is something that we reflect upon today in the feast of the Holy Trinity. But a mystery is not necessarily mean that we cannot know God or anything about him. If we take today’s readings we get a glimpse into who the Christian God is.

So what is God and the Trinity?  It is love. There you are simple all wrapped up. The mystery is how we can know this?

When we look at the readings we can see this Love flowing through “God of tenderness and compassion slow to anger and rich in kindness and faithfulness.” He loves those he has created. He loves us. And in the gospel we get this message as well “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son” We can put the whole mystery of God love on these two statement. Often though we find this very hard to understand. We live in a world that does not really understand love. People who have no idea of how to love or be loved. It is vital that the Church and its people give them an opportunity to feel and participate in this divine love that we see most perfectly in the Trinity in God. Because we come and experience love and find it we are living in that love of the Trinity. We all need to become vulnerable and allow ourselves to feel and participate in this love. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. We hear this almost every time we come to Mass let it this week become our prayer as we learn love.


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