Do you Love me?
week I came up to Gaston Farm to have a look at the lambing with my parents.
One thing that I was struck me was the fact that each of the Lambs that had
been born were painted a number on the side of them so that the Shepherd knows
whose lambs belongs too. For the ewe also had the same number on them. This is a device used just for the shepherds
and not for the ewes who seem to know instantly which lamb belongs to them.
our baptism we are signed with a sign of the cross on our foreheads. It reminds
us that we belong to Christ. He knows us and loves us into being. Notice in the
Gospel today that Jesus calls Peter by name. He asks him three times. It
reminds us of the denial that Peter did about knowing Jesus just before his
are asked the same questions so often imagine your name being in place of
Peter. He is calling us by name into action. By loving the Lord and responding
to his call we act in love to others around us. We belong to him and so should
respond to his call to, with our own gifts and talents, feed the sheep that has
been given to us. Sometimes though we do
not hear his call we are side tracked by other things. Often when I am walking
the dog if she picks up a smell and I call her she does not hear until I call
her at least three times. This is like the Lord with us “I Called you by name”
it says in Isaiah “and you are mine” and we walk away walking a different path.
Sometimes this is a path of denial about the truth of our relationship, the
called by name, the loved into being, the feed my sheep. The come follow me.
And so we need to be constantly called back by the Lord.
often imagine how annoyed Peter must have got by the third time of asking. Like
a parent asking their children to do something that seems to have taken an age
to do. As we have explored this is because if many reasons. But, we must make
sure that we are ready to respond to his call. By prayer by the sacrament to
reconciliation by being attentive to his call. Let us not wait for the lord to
ask us a third time but always be ready to follow the Lord in our daily lives.