Rejection in love

In last week’s Gospel we heard as
you remember that Jesus went into the synagogue and spoke those beautiful words
from the Prophet Isaiah. It all seemed to be going well as we heard that he won
the approval of all. Jesus then says and accepts that a prophet is not accepted
in his own country. They complain to him that Jesus performs no local wonders
while at the same time they disbelieve him anyway. Jesus tells his own people
that he his mission is not only for them but for all people the crowd turn on
him and they are angry. They say “We have heard all that has happened in
Capernaum, do the same here in your own countryside.”
Jesus refuses to share in
their small minded vision he is going to be different. They expect Jesus to
share in the same exclusive outlook as themselves. Jesus is different he does
not share their image of God. For God is more than their expectations. He makes
his audience angry and because they are lost for words, they do what most
groups do their solution is to beat the opponent to death. Jesus learns early
on in his ministry when to get out and run. In Luke’s gospel not surprisingly
Jesus does not return home again.
This experience at Nazareth seems
a world away from the letter of St Paul on love. This is the most beautiful
letter describes to us what love should be like. IT is something that is
patient and kind not jealous it is something that we must learn. In the last
line of the play Les Miserable it says “To love another person is to see the
face of God” it is perfection that we are looking on when we love. The one who
loves us more than anything else is God for he formed us in the womb and knew
us. And we see this manifestation of love the perfect example in the person of
Jesus. Jesus learnt from early on in his ministry that “Love endures all
things” and marks his whole ministry. Even when the people rejected him he did
not reject them. Even on the cross in his final breath he was able to show love
by forgiving those who had crucified them” Forgive them father they know not
what they are doing”
As well as Jesus experience
rejection of love is also in our experience as human beings. We experience this
rejection also. And yes it hurts a great deal and for some it takes a very long
time to get over. Rejection is just then part of the human experience it how we
deal with it that really matters. One way that we can do this is by praying
through our experience. Learning through our painful experience is important
and praying through them is vital. Our response is not usually love when we have
had a bad experience and been rejected.
Paul says that we must learn love and
Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek and walk away. Learning to do this can
only be done by the help of God. As another one of my favourite musicals says
in its opening line “The greatest thing you ever learn is how to love and be
loved in return” We learn this through prayer the example of Jesus and knowing
that the greatest of these is love.