Bishop very good Pastoral letter for the Feast of the Holy Family
people of Arundel & Brighton,
it’s a chance to reflect on just how much we learn in the family and in the
home, if we are lucky enough to have those two things. Babies are born with a
few basic instincts; they can breathe, swallow, suck and grip. Most of the rest
of what they need to do has to be taught, and the lessons can be difficult.
With the so-called ‘potty-training’ for instance, is this a good or bad place
to put things?
family really is an indispensible part of human growth, and if we do dispense
with it, then we pay the costs at some stage. The family can be a single
parent, it can be grandparents, it can be foster parents, but a child needs to
have the support of someone to be able to grow in what today’s gospel calls
“wisdom, in stature and in favour with God and men.” The first reading is from
one of the books of the Old Testament we call ‘wisdom literature’ and there are
nearly forty chapters of sound, practical teaching, much of it very relevant
for today – “Do not beggar yourself by banqueting on credit, when there is
nothing in your pocket.”
going back to today’s gospel, the two parts of ‘growing in favour with God and
with men’ are equally important and, we would say, inseparable. The home is the
place where we first learn to believe in God. My own family was and is no more
devout than any other, but I remember kneeling down together before we went to
bed and all praying together. On Sunday there was no question about what the
day held; we went to Mass and never questioned it. There was no coercion or
pressure, there was no need for it. I know that things have changed now for
young people and, therefore, their parents, in terms of other things happening
on Sundays, but the principle remains. In the same way that we learn respect
for people, for other people’s property, for our own possessions and for
ourselves, so the home is the place we should first learn respect for God.
do we do this? How do we do anything to teach children? We don’t simply tell
them to keep their rooms tidy if the rest of the house is a mess. We can’t tell
them not to be greedy if we indulge ourselves as adults. As the writer of
Ecclesiasticus says, “My son, be gentle in carrying out your business, and you
will be better loved than a lavish giver.” Treat a child with gentleness and
the child will grow up gentle; if a child grows up in a household of conflict
and anger, the child will assume that this is how people normally live. I think
that is a lesson that the writer of Ecclesiasticus hadn’t quite grasped: he
opens chapter 30 with the words, “A man who love his son will beat him
frequently.” He lets himself down a bit there, but different times, different
Feast of the Holy Family today is an opportunity to reflect on how we pass on
faith to our children along with all the other things we feel are important for
them. It’s a time for us all to think about what explicit lessons we give young
people about how faith is lived. If, for instance, Mass is seen to be just one
of the many options available on Sunday, then how important will it seem? If
adults are unwilling or unable to answer basic questions that children have
about God and faith, then why should the children consider the question to have value? How can
we talk about faith if we don’t show it, and how can we assume to pass the
responsibility on to the school, any more than we would pass on to the school
the responsibility to clothe or feed the child?
know that it is a very difficult time for many parents today. For many the
difficulties are financial, and that can create great problems when young
people experience inequality and feel the need to conform and be like their
peers. For many, there are difficulties created by all the other influences
working on their children, particularly through their phones and computers,
giving them access to things that are really not proper for young people, or
indeed for adults.
two little girls from Africa probably weren’t
familiar with computers either, but I imagine that they knew they were loved
within a family, and if we are to talk about ‘privilege’ and ‘affluence’, who
is the better off? The family is just such an important school of humanity and faith
that we must be quite firm to resist any proposed government legislation that
threatens to undermine or compromise it. Where did Jesus learn compassion? When
his parents do finally find him in Jerusalem
after three days, their words are a gentle reproof, “See how worried your
father and I have been, looking for you.”
wish you happiness and peace in the year that lies ahead. It may not be any
easier than the year that is ending, but let us pray for the wisdom to see
things for what they are and join with the words of the opening prayer of
today’s Mass of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: “Grant that we
imitate them in practising the virtues of family life and in the bonds of
my best wishes and prayers.