5th Sunday of Easter year B
From the beginning of the Gospel of John we get this
image of the “Word becoming flesh” in order to bring us to God. We are told
that he dwelt among us and through the sacraments of the Church he also dwells
within us. So we are called to fully participate in the creative and loving
activity of God. We will bear much fruit
if we dwell with God. This then implies that we have a deep relationship and
friendship with God. And through this relationship we understand and learn how
to live. Jesus says in today’s gospel that he is vine and we are the branches
we are not then separate from the vine but dwelling and attached to him who
loves us. This means that our God is a personal one who is caught up in our
lives and wants to be in relationship with us.
And through this intimate relationship through the word
becoming flesh and knowing him we are then called to give this life to others
we bear fruit. What a wonderful God we have that he gives us knowledge and
works through us we are then instruments of his grace by the way we act and
work in the world by our words to others, our gestures and prayers. We then
give that life to others and because of that we then receive that life from
others too.
This live giving spirit then flows from the source the
vine through the branches and produces fruit that will last.
In order then to be fountains of life that transmits the
Holy Spirit we need as it says in the gospel to be pruned. So we need to look at ourselves and get to
know ourselves better. So we look at ourselves our brokenness and our pain and
our inner wounds. Our prejudices and
self centredness. Slowly over time healing them this is a struggle for all of
us. In my experience I have just sorted one part of my brokenness when another
one comes and we have to start again with another part of our lives.
And then there are those times in our lives where we
block out the life that comes from the vine. These are usually the times of
sickness, failures, death of a loved one and other unexpected events. They can
both damage our relationship with God and others.
Through the loving care of God our Father these things
are healed. We can walk in the presence of God by telling him our inner hurts
by coming to prayer and asking the help of the community we can once again
become that life for others.