What have we learnt in this time


This poem that I was sent a few days ago looks at what this time has taught us about ourselves and the world around us. So I put this question out there for others to ponder. There were many responses but down in this blog Im going to look at some of the points that they had made.
One of the things that you heard a lot was that there was little time. We lived in a world that was fast paced and always on the move. Everyone was in a hurry sometimes barging through you to get to their destination a few minutes earlier than they expected to before. Suddenly with the lock down measures we had to change over night. The last paced way of life suddenly for many of us became a lot slower. This meant that people suddenly discovered time. The sudden stoping of normal life meant that there had to be a new pace to life.  The world that was outside became inside. We have seen reports that people have had time to reconnect with themselves and learn to breath a little. That they have like myself had time to reconnect with old friends to take time with their family that maybe they will never get back. We have learnt that time is precious and maybe the new normal will be to value time to really value each moment we have with friends and family and with ourselves. 

I think I have learnt the need for others and the need for connectivity if through zoom meetings or communication on the phone the need for each other the support from the local community. This has been shown for me on the Thursdays evenings when we have gathered to clap for our NHS and key Workers. We have met and spoken to our street neighbours maybe for the first time in years. There has been a growing community spirit in some sections of the community where helping our brothers and sisters in need has shown that we are in this together. 

Someone said to me the other day "Have you noticed the silence?" Hearing the birds sing the quietness of the streets. The environment around us has got better the earth is breathing again and in some parts of the world is healing. I have enjoyed this the most the fact that we can hear again the beauty of the world around us that we can hear the birds or see wildlife that has been hidden from us because of noise and pollution .My hope that we will continue to listen to the beating heart of the world.

For the a lot of people in the world today lockdown has not been a positive experience. There has been anger about the way the political classes has manipulated the situation and the glossing of figures. There has also been a large increase in uncertainty with jobs and also with this comes mental health issues. The fact of being in lockdown and not been able to see loved ones and friends. The restrictions on freedom has taken a lot out of almost everyone I have spoken too. The role of community and friends to get them through this particular time has been very important for a lot of people. We have noticed this in our own neighbourhood where people speak to each other and smile. 

Anxiety has heightened in a lot of people even about doing simple tasks like shopping. This had certainly happened to me. It felt very odd I think  it was the lack of people and the silence of the store you just knew that something was different.

So life in lockdown has meant different things for different people to see the world differently to see ourselves differently to understand who we are as a society. 

There also needs to take into careful consideration the personal economic effect of what has happened the stress and anxiety that this has shown that there will be more deaths from the result of the lockdown rather from the symptoms. My hope is that it changes for the better rather than the worse that we do not go back but keep looking forward. 


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