What gives us life?

What gives us life? Or where do we find life? These are the questions that jump out at me today in the Readings. Often we try and look for life in so many different places and often these places are short lived and actually are not life giving at all. They present short bursts of excitement but we are always on the search for more.  When I say all this I mean also myself. There are times when I seek the quick fix the pick me up this usually leads to mis understandings and broken relationships in some cases. This search for life is a search for joy it is search for what Paul says “ The things of heaven.” This means letting go of some of the things of earth of being detached from those things that keep us from the things of heaven. We make God’s out of these things and we worship them. We think that they give us life. 

These things as the first reading says are Vanities they are things that pass they those things that often feel fun and attractive at the time and from the outside but actually pass very quickly. 

There are many people in our world that feel very lost and go round on this spiral of self delusion and destruction. They have lost what life is all about they have lost life and sometimes have lost hope. 

In the hymn in amazing grace we hear how the person was lost and then was found that through grace through focusing on the face of Jesus he found life and true joy. This is the life in Christ to walk with him and open your heart and let go and let God. We learn through this joy to become detached from the things of this world and love the things of heaven. 

Now this is not an easy task because we think we have got so far and we are doing well and then we take a few steps back. Ok guys I want to tell you this is totally normal. But if we focus on Jesus and constantly commit to him and accept that we are on the journey towards letting completely go.

Letting go of the things of earth takes practice and also takes more importantly prayer. 

Prayer allows us to focus on the things of heaven we re dedicate ourselves everyday in prayer to the Father so that we may come to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. To walk in these footsteps to constantly stroll with him. Only through prayer and being attuned to the Fathers will we ever focus on the things of heaven and not the things of earth. Through prayer we can have that spiritual declutter to fill our hearts and minds of the things of God. This also means that we may also need to come to the sacrament of reconciliation a little more often than we do. If we are to have really joy and life in Jesus it means decollating those things that hinder us from achieving this life in Jesus and making space for him everyday so that we become more like him. 


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