
Often we over complicate prayer. We try and make up long and complicated prayers. We sometimes treat our prayers in that we think that God wants us to hear. And also we pray for others but often forget to pray for ourselves. But, if we are seeking a personal relationship with the person of Jesus then we need both we need collective worship that lifts the soul and our hearts to the Father this may then lead to more of a personal reflection a personal prayer the prayer that leads from formal prayer to the prayer of the heart. We are in a personal relationship with the person of Jesus. He wants to give us what is good he wants to give us what we need and what’s in our hearts. Now, this does not mean that if we pray, say a new Bentley, that he will give it to us.  Then when we pray for something and don’t get it we complain that our prayers are not answered. And yet Jesus makes it quite clear what we must do.

Ask: The psalm said “One the day I called you answered me O lord.” So Often we ask for the wrong things but maybe we need to ask in silence for more of what the Lord wants for us. Show me where you want me to go for “your hand will do all things for me.” So sometimes we get something that we don’t expect but it actually is good for us at that moment. So ask from the heart in the silence. And in that prayer we search for God the God of our lives who guides us and wants to be found in prayer. Often the search is life long with many twists and turns and distractions but in the silence of asking we reach out and search for God. But, this prayer takes action. Often we wait for God to give us something and treat God as another service provider. But Jesus says Knock on the door and it will be opened. This is an act on our part it is an act for us to do. The door will not be opened unless we actively knock. Our prayer in the knock on the door it is the innovation to take the risk and go deeper into the mystery of God’s love for us. For those who seek will find and knock it will be opened. 

So lastly Jesus then says “ Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” We already have the Holy Spirit by virtue of being a Child of God and was given to us freely at Baptism. But, I have discovered that we need to actively want to ask for more to deepen our relationship to ask for his Holy Spirit to fill us and refresh us. This asking for the Holy Spirit is not a one of event. We are invited to be constantly toped up. In the heat over the last week we knew that we had to drink plenty of water to be hydrated. This is the same with prayer and the Holy Spirit we need to drink him in daily. Jesus keeps giving us wonderful gifts through our lives by searching for him by asking for him and by being open to what the Lord can and is doing in your lives. So the gift of the Holy Spirit coming to us is something that we can experience every day it is something that we can receive every day that we can walk hand in hand with the person of Jesus through the gift of the Holy Spirit which he promised would never leave us.

 So keep praying find a space to pray everyday its just as important as bushing your teeth. Don’t give up when you feel that your prayers are not answered.  Sometimes we have to let go of the past and open our hearts to discover the Holy Spirit and his promise of always being with us. 

As you have heard me say before a good way to start is to find a comfortable space away from all distractions and just be in his loving presence you can have a cup of tea with this as well. 


One of the things I like to do is to talk to Jesus like I would talk to you. I'm alone a lot so I can do this. Love your blog.

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