Notes from the celebrate Homily and weekends Gospel.

In the Gospel today we have  today is one of those that we think we know back to front. When we see the first question that we come across he comes to Jesus and says what must I do to inherit enteral life. He quotes the book of Deuteronomy of what it means to love God.

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with your mind and your neighbour as yourself.”

Maybe it's worth going through each of these. 

With all your heart: We constantly strive to open our hearts to the love of God. We come and praise his name by this we are opening our hearts to his love. We may extend our hearts that our body show the extent of this love of God. We are on our knees we stand we extend our hands in prayer we love God because he is love and loves us.

With all your soul. So when our hearts are open then its the soul cries out in love of the Lord look at the sound of Mary it states that that my soul cries out proclaims what he has done for us. So our hearts and souls are one. 

Now this is something that we strive for and so we use all our strength we fill our minds with good things we learn we experience we come to know who he is and what God is for us. We as a nation spend millions of pounds on our Body image but yet we do not spend the same amount of time and money on our minds. We can fill our minds with the love of the Father and his good things.  But surely we are all on this journey that we are striving for this state it is a process of going deeper.

But Jesus in the Gospel recognises that this man is trying to do this. After all he is doing what the law requires. But for Jesus this is just the starting point. He almost says to us ok you have done this but is this enough. And he tells us that it is not it must go deeper it must change who we are and others around us. It means that like the Good Samaritan we do things and pay the cost of being a disciple we take risks. The Samaritan said that he would pay the rest of the money that was owed when he comes back that way. He does not know how much it will be but he will take that risk of love and pay what is needed. 

He loved this man as himself he did not know him he saw him as a fellow human being and loved him back to health. IT is what we must do as well.

But there is a problem there always is. Its the last phrase that we may have greatest difficulty with. Love your neighbour as yourself. We can love our neighbour but loving ourself is harder than anything. In my ministry this is the constant battle that I have with myself and others. We come across that we cannot truly accept that we are loved and we certainly find it difficult to accept that love of self.  This love gives us joy it gives us life it makes us smile and show the love of God to others. This love of self by knowing we are loved by God is s real journey and one that we are on for the whole of our lives. It is also. The way in which we can do the first part of the law because we are free. 

So what are we free from. We are free from the ego the self the thing that bars us from really loving God with all our heart and soul. Our lives journey is to get rid of the self the I and allow ourselves to be over come by God’s love and his holy Spirit. To legit penetrate and take over every part of who we are. To let Go and let God. 

Prophecy for Celebrate the dream I had

Roof was off and the glory of heaven. Shining down over this place and rays of light penetrating hearts and souls of everyone here. hearts are on fire God is sending you out glowing and ready for what we are sent to do to be in this world don’t be afraid be ready it will be hard  but you are a child of God and  he love you  so be loved have  space to grow to hear to be understood stand firm it will be ok  


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