Leave it at home!!!

This week I had the strangest experience. I felt my phone behind while I was going to the Hospital. I felt for a while naked without it. What if people need me I thought? What if an important message comes in? What if I need to answer an email? What if I need to check my facebook status. What if I needed to take a photo of something. After a while realising that I did not have it to hand I began not to miss it. There was almost a mild panic attack. I began to reflect on how we have become people of doing that we are defined by what we do by. How busy we are. Someone was telling me the other day how busy they were how tired they were becoming how they felt guilty about resting or even having a cup of tea or going for a walk. 

How have we become so obsessed with doing when after all we are human beings. We get our self esteem our sense of worth by what we are doing how wrong is this. True self esteem comes from knowing that we are children of God and that he loves us. I am not defined by my job, what I am doing how many friends I have on facebook or how many likes I may get for a witty comment, its not defined by how well we do at work, It not defined by how big our house or how much I am paid we are not defined by how many books we have read or how well we have done in our degree we are defined by being called and named by God this gives us what we desire in life it gives us joy, Happiness leaves us but Joy remains it is infectious it is something that we pass on to others. It comes about by listening to Jesus by stoping. 

In the Gospel we have the story of Mary and Martha. Martha is rung around making sure everything is ok serving and doing everything her self. Where as Mary sits and just listens to Jesus. Martha is looks at her self by what she is doing rather than what she is. 

So who are we? Jesus says that Mary has the better part. She is sitting listening to Jesus. She wants to be in the presence of Jesus just sitting with him and listening to him. She appears not be doing anything and yet she is just sitting in his presence. She is being rather than doing. We are called human beings and yet we are so often human doings. 

To stop and relax and enjoy the company of Jesus is something that we are invited to do every day. We are invited to enter into this relationship with him to sit in his presence and allow God to be God in us. How often do we allow ourselves to just to to be with God and listen to him. 

So I encourage to stop at some point everyday, yes everyday, a guilt free moment of just being with Jesus in prayer of sitting with him to be in that moment of listening to him and learning from him to realise in that moment what God’s dream for us is. What is being reviled by him to us. What are we being asked to become is defined by who we are and not what we do. 


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