You are loved and I will be with you always: Pentecost 2019

The promise of the Holy Spirit that we hear about today highlights two ideas first of all that Jesus is always with us and that we are loved. On Friday I had an unexpected moment in front of the Blessed sacrament so here is my meditation on two of the Pentecost themes that I will be with you and you are loved:
I will be with you through darkness and light through pain and joy through the trials of life when you go to work when you eat when you sleep when you go for a run when there are difficulties in relationship. When you are looking after those who are sick and old. Because you are loved.
I will be with you always when you drink your first cup of coffee when you are out with your friends when there is laughter and joy with being with them Because you are loved.
I will be there when you have no way to turn when life seems to implode in on you when your stressed about exams or your children I will be with you because you are loved.
I will be there on the bus as you journey to work, when you are tired from the business of the day, when you just feel like crying for no reason. I will be with you always put your trust your hope your everything in me because you are loved.
When I formed you in the womb I knew you: you were named and I know your name. I have given you an abundance of gifts no one else has been given I broke the mold when I created you because you are my work of art and I look on it with love: because you are loved.
But you say "I did not see you I doubted you I hid from you I held my hands out and asked for help but felt you were very far from me. My prayers seem waisted no one listens not even God.
Did you promise that you will be with me? So where are you?
Then we remember. your promise: I will be with you always I will send my Spirit I died on the cross I formed you and know you I named you because you are loved. I walk with you wherever you go I will be right by your side do not be afraid trust in me because you are loved
I will send you people to help you be your saints and angels sometimes with dirty faces others may be hidden from your sight to help you on this journey: because you are loved.
I have set you free I have breathed my spirit anointed you made you my new creation: because you are loved
By me
Now because you are loved and because you have the Holy Spirit in you and flowing through you Tell others of that love. Use those gifts that I have given you in abundance learn how to use them go deeper into this love relationship. And know the I am with you for when you speak my name to others I am with you because I have promised I would when you find the words hard to say when you are afraid I am with you put your trust in me. And this promise is not just for those you may judge as better than yourself. It is for you too. Because we are all loved equally we are all held in great esteem by Jesus.
So on this birthday of the Church let us receive again this gift of the Holy Spirit let us pray for his presence always with us let us renew our selves open our hearts to receive his presence deeper into our hearts and our being.