Love into action

In the Old Testament you will remember that Adam and Eve were ashamed in the Garden when they ate from the tree of knowledge they knew that they had fallen short from what God wanted of them.  And they coved their nakedness. In the Gospel today we see Peter Fishing we are told that he had practically nothing on. He put his clothes on maybe ashamed of his nakedness. As he ran to the Lord. It is here that we have that beautiful moment maybe the one that Peter was dreading where he came face to face with his shame of denying Jesus three times. We know he was shamed because when the cock crew he ran ran off and cried. 

Jesus question to him is asking Peter do you love me. In this moment Jesus takes away Peters shame. He forgives him of the denial he gives him freedom in his love. Unlike Adam Peter was able to accept this. 

This love means also to be in action. After each of the responses to Peter Jesus asks him to do something. It is a call to put that love into action.  As it says in St Pauls letters  that we should always put on love. When we put on the love of Jesus we are then made for action. We are made to love our brothers and sisters we are made to put our love into action. This means that through his love we will work in the name of Jesus. 

We do this by the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to live in that love and see all people as a Child of God. It enables us to realise that we are made for love. It moves us from slavery to sin and Shame to the homecoming of freedom in Jesus love. 

This freedom in love means that we are unafraid of the future. It motivates us to be leaders in Discipleship and motivates us to live in the love of Jesus. 

But this love comes at a cost. At the end of the Gospel we see that Jesus prophecy about what is to happen to Peter. We too are lead to places where we would rather not go where it is uncomfortable for us to serve. Peter will pay the ultimate price for his love of Jesus he will be put to death as the world see it the  shame of Crucifixion but to our eyes the ultimate sign of love. 

Lastly Jesus says to Peter after all this after he has found true humility and true freedom follow me. 

Our response to this Gospel is also to ask ourselves the question that Jesus asks Peter. It is live in freedom of Jesus to live in that freedom of GOd’s love for all people. To live in freedom of Jesus means that we follow him always and let go of our shame because Jesus has taken the tfor himself and live in his love. It will take us to places where we never though we would be but ultimately it enables us to love in complete freedom.

But we need others to help us to do this and we need others to show us the way. I do not  have all the answers this is where I have found the Alpha experience and everything that has flowed from that. I want the same for you too. It is has been good for so many people to experience this freedom and love. IF you like me are struggling with the question that Jesus poses and I guess most of us are then come to Alpha and take that risk of faith. 


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