To be a servant

There is a certain kind of Religion that can be really quite off putting. They are the people like these: They go around telling others how they should pray and how they should act. They are their own definition better than anyone else. They are hard to negotiate with and never listen to another persons views for they are right. Laying heavy burdens on others they do not do the same themselves. In the annuals of history they are instantly forgotten. 

Real authentic religion is when people are authentic when we can see that what they preach they practice these people are attractive and remember them by the example that they give. There was a beautiful moment a few days after Francis was elected Pope. He asked to go and visit the place where he stayed before the Conclave. A small Hostel with simple rooms on the Via della Scoffa. A place where I have stayed myself when I have been to Rome. You can imagine the surprise on the peoples faces as he came in to pay his bill. Also in a departure to protocol he went to stay not in the Papal apartments but in a small community in the confides of the Vatican. 

The key phrase and the one I really want to focus on is the phrase “ The greatest among you must be your servant” This contradicts the world today which focuses on power and wealth and telling everyone via social media how wonderful we are. 

What does it mean then to be a servant? It means to put other peoples needs first to understand and walk with them. It means not to judge. It is like what we hear in the second reading today from St Paul to like a good mother looking after her children by being protective. When we walk with people and get to understand them we begin to not to lay heavy burdens on them because we know them we learn to love them for who they are. To be a servant is not some attitude to being a slave it is walking with people and helping them where they are. The servant is the greatest  because he really knows the people that he walks with. 

So who is a good example of this kind of service well we do not have to look very far for the person of Jesus.  He accepted people for their own stories he helped and listened and did not lay heavy burdens on them. The total act of giving of Jesus was that he knelt down and washed the feet of his disciples this very act shows us that actions speak louder than words. It showed great humility to reach down and show great depth in love by showing by example of deep love. This is the way that we proclaim the Gospel.

So what about us? If we are real servants for others we must allow ourselves to serve others to not judge those who are different to accept with love the stranger especially in the Church to welcome those with joy who darken our Church for the first time. To be a servant means to give people time and space to accept people and not to judge to proclaim Christ in the world and to accept others for who they are. It is a struggle but the greatest among you must be your servant must be Christ like.


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