The Wedding Feast of the Lamb

I want to tell you about a friend of mine called Fred. Fred loves parties. For the first half of his life he lived in institutions and hardly ever said a word. He was rejected by society. Then he found his way by a chance encounter to Laurche community down in Bognor Regis. Now you cannot stop him talking. Now remember that I said that he liked parities. Every birthday he would spend the day getting ready for his birthday party making sure that every thing was just right. He would get dressed up in his finest gear and have a great time. One day Fred came into the scarcity as his usually did on the Sunday and tell me the weeks news. This week he was particularly excited because he had been invited to the Queens Garden party. So on the morning of this special party he got up early, made sure he had his special clothes and arrived early with his career for the party. On his return in his weekly update to me he was able to tell me everything what the queen was wearing and what as he described it a old tall man with strange ears (it turned out to be prince Philip) said to him.

After the conversation I commented on how smart he looked today. And he told me that it was because he was seeing Jesus today who we agreed was even more important than the Queen. He needed to be here early and ready to meet him. 

Fred’s story made me think of todays readings. It made me think that we are invited every week to something special. Where rather than an abundance of tea and cake there is something greater here. It is an abundance of God’s grace and mercy and his love. This is shown in the first reading form Isiah where there is an abundance of God’s generosity to us. 

Our invitation is to the wedding feast of the Lamb the Eucharist it is here that we find the generosity of God and it is a invitation for us to either reject or accept. It is here that Jesus comes to us our God here on the altar we drink and eat him. IT is the greatest invitation that we can ever receive and our response to this invitation varies. This invitation is a free invitation it is something that we do not have to ask for it is freely given. So I wonder what our response would be. Do we complain that it is not at the right time for us or the priest is not the right one or the music is not to our choice, do we say only when I am not too busy finding more important things to do. Or do we accept the invitation and the challenges that it presents recognising the greatest gift that we have which is Jesus himself coming to us. We are invited to the wedding feast by God himself receiving him in the Eucharist it is something that is right and proper. IT is something that we need to prepare for and recognise that this gift is wonderful and is given freely. We by accepting this gift are able to experience this gift and his generous love. Why then do we find it so difficult to tell others about this gift and our need surely to tell others. 


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