
This week we celebrated the Feast day of St Vincent de Paul. We all know him as a man who cared for the poor of society and helped them a lot. He is also a man who had to do a lot of changing in his life when he realised that the path he was following was wrong. Listening and discerning the will of God he became a champion of the poor. He had to change and he realised that change can be hard. It is a constant re evaluating of the heart.. It is a time when we need prayer and a listening ear to the voice of God. Over the next few months there is going to be a lot of changes, in the parish. It is a time not for lamenting about the past and what there was but looking in faith and hope to the future embracing the challenges and learning with each other how we can bring the Kingdom of God to all those whom we have been sent. It means that we will sometimes need a change of heart to embrace new ideas and also be challenged about where God is leading us. It is not a time to be scared but a time to be excited and renewed. In this time of change let us be gentle with each other and pray for each other and work together in building the mission. 


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