Tumped!!! Feast of Christ the King

Watching the Election from America we see that Donald Trump is set to be the most powerful man in the world. He if you like is the modern King. He has been one of the most controversial choices in history but if we look at this new kind of kingship we see that it is one of power and wealth that it does not matter who they tread on or upset. It is one that is very different from the Kingship of Jesus. But when we look at the modern day Kings like Trump you can see that people do get very confused. 
So how is Jesus Kingship different?

Let us look at the Readings today and we can get clues of how different it actually is. First of all we have the idea of this King being a shepherd. A shepherd in the Old Testament was not a shepherd like we know. The Shepherd today leads from the back pushing his sheep forward. In the time of the Bible the Shepherd lead from the front and the sheep knew the voice of their master. When in John's Gospel Jesus says that the good shepherd is the gatekeeper that is exactly what they did they lay down to keep the sheep safe they would put their life on the line for those who they look after. And we can see that in the Gospel we see Jesus doing exactly that. He is laying down his life for his people. Jesus throne is his cross it is here that he shows his true kingship. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who is our King who lays down his life for his people. 

And yet there is also a greater challenge for us. When we pray the Our Father we pray that Your kingdom come and so we also have a responsibility to bring his Kingdom here on earth.  We hear what this kingdom is about in the preface of the Eucharistic prayer today. It is one of joy and love of Justice and holiness. It is one that with being co workers with Christ our King we can bring about. At the end of the Liturgical year maybe we can look at how we have done this how we have done this is our parish community and how we what we can do differently to bring Christs kingdom about. 


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