The Three Popes John Paul Benedict and Francis

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One of the more disturbing things that has happened over the last few years is, and I only say, in some quarters a disquiet about Pope Francis. It is I have to say very disturbing. There has also been some people who see Pope Francis as not a real Pope at all. Rather than seeing this I can see that there has been a continuity between the last three Popes. I am a simple man but this is what I see.

Pope John Paul II (Saint)

When I was seven years old I traveled to Wembley  to see John Paul II. It was my first experience at large crowds celebrating faith. I was highly impressed as a seven year old of what was going on around me. It was the first time also that a Pope had visited these lands since the Reformation. What I saw a Pope that was able to reach out to the whole world to visit and preach the good news even though sometimes this was hard hitting and uncompromising. He helped the demise of the Berlin Wall and the Eastern block something that seemed unthinkable. He for me is also the person who when I was ordained was mentioning his name in the Eucharistic prayer as Pope and now call upon him as a saint. He was truly missionary. He was lastly a man of hope for all the nations of the world and a great man of faith.

Pope Benedict

I remember watching the white smoke and seeing Benedict walk out on the balcony and my then parish priest saying "Oh My God this is really bad news."  For me I was still getting over the death of John Paul II. I remember thinking lets just hold out for this person and see what happens. What I think we got was a thinking careful loving Pope. He was able and still able to expound the Gospel message. I remember the joy of the British people as he came to England and he was humble and brought good news to us all. He also had a reputation of being a traditionalist without compromise. This I feel was also slightly unfair. The one gift that Pope Benedict gave the Church which I will ever be thankful is a renewed love and sense of the Mass.

Pope Francis.

Where we have had both the mission and the teaching Francis teaches us about charity. He tells us to look towards mercy and love of God for all of us. He has a remarkable facility to reach out and touch people. I remember at a papal audience in May how he reached out to us in his words and also he warm attitude to everyone. He has challenged the Church to think about what we are doing and what we are about. Jesus upset the status quo and so does Francis. His legacy will be written in history but he is doing great things and for me is in continuity with the other two Popes in recent history.

I am not for Pope Francis, Benedict or John Paul I respect them all equally as Popes who had something to say at the time that they were living. Surely what they have done is both in their own way taught us something about the nature of Jesus Christ.


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