Body and Blood of Christ

 I wonder when you reflect back what  the best present that you have ever been given? As you rack your brains I suspect that after some thought we can think of a few presents that we have been given that means a lot to us. Maybe it was given by someone whom we love and is very close to us. Maybe it was given by someone who has died and although small reminds us something of their love for us and our love for them. And in a sense this is why we celebrate the feast of the body and blood of Christ Corpus Christi.

We are reminded of the Last Supper when Jesus said this is my body take and eat. Do this in memory of me. They are words that we hear every time that we come to Mass and so this is what we do.

Today is a celebration of Jesus gift of him very self to us. It is a reminder of the importance of the Eucharist in the life of the church. After all the Vatican fathers said that the mass was the source and summit of all our worship. And we come to receive Jesus himself so we need to get ourselves ready and prepared. If we were going to see the Queen or going out for an important dinner or just going out to see friends we would organise ourselves to be ready our Sunday best would be out and we would try our best not to be late. We would not turn up in a pair of Jeans and a tee Shirt.  Well when we come to Mass we are preparing to meet someone more important than any of these people we will be seeing God himself and receiving him.

When we receive Jesus what do we say. Well I have had many responses to thank you to cheers mate. But what we actually say is Amen (So be it). We are saying out loud and clearly yes I believe too. So the Blessed Sacrament demands respect because we have Christ among us. This gift of Jesus himself is something that we should not take for granted. By preparing ourselves to meet Jesus by being in the right frame of mind and being in the right relationship with our Brothers and Sisters we can come to Jesus with an open heart and open mind to accept and really appreicaite his love for us.


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