Holy Thursday

Last Sunday we started our journey to Jerusalem. We welcomed Jesus with our hosannas and branches. Tonight we enter into the upper room. We gather around with the disciples and witness something very special. We are invited to the first Eucharist. Jesus holds the unleavened bread in his hands and says this is my body he breaks it and gives it to his disciples who take and eat. The same is done with the wine. And for countless generations on this night we have gathered for the Eucharist the Mass. And some have died for this belief.

The Mass as the Vatican II fathers said is the source and summit of our worship. So there need to be a respect for this sacrament. In our hearts we need to be ready to receive Jesus. Receiving Jesus is a privilege and something that we should never take for granted Walter Kasper says the "Eucharist is the churches supreme procession which may not be turned into a bargain basement commodity that is offered to everyone without distinction and to which everyone believes he or she has a right."  We say amen out loud because we do believe in God being present to us and everything that the church holds to be true and believes. 

Out of tonight comes another important aspect. The ministerial priesthood. For Jesus in his command instates the priesthood. The nature of priesthood is sacramental it is a priesthood that  exposes Jesus love to others. The priest stands in place of Jesus for he is in the person of Christ. For me priesthood is about Trying our best to bring God to others. To bring the one I love Jesus to others and sharing that joy with others. Surely this is the vocation of all believes. It is yes but a priest is the only person who can bring God in reality in the sacraments. In a Priest at his ordination a change takes place he is marked out for ever even if he leaves it can never be taken away. We must pray for our priests and also for Vocations.  One of the titles of the Holy Father is the servant of servants of God he is one who serves. We as priests are ultimately called to serve this is shown in the action that takes place after the homily the washing of feet.

The priest and something that I will do very soon is to get down on my hands and knees and wash others feet. He shows himself I believe apart from the mass most perfectly in this gesture he shows himself as what he was ordained to do. He is called to serve to do the same as his master.  To show the depth of his love but serving those for whom he has been sent. It is a gesture of love. The disciples especially Peter does not understand the full consequences of this love. He will learn this in the next few days as he sees what this love for his friends actually means. For us too we have problems with washing feet. Where do we do it. Well we do it with the people whom we care for. We do it in our communities by our love for our brothers and sisters. We wash people's feet when we forgive when we reach out and care for those around us. 

So the lesson today is one of love Jesus giving his very self to us and for us to learn and do the same.



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