Sunday Trading Government arrogance at its best

The Government will urge the Church of England not to oppose plans to relax Sunday trading restrictions as part of a consultation beginning today.
Ministers are said to be writing to the church highlighting the fact that the move will help high streets "remain the heartbeat of our communities", according to the Daily Telegraph.
The proposals will give councils in England and Wales the chance to relax existing rules limiting shops with more than 280 sqm floorspace to six hours of Sunday trading.
Authorities could apply the new conditions to their whole area or limit them to specific zones, allowing them to encourage business in traditional high streets by extending hours there while excluding out-of-town supermarkets.
The Government says the move could be worth up to £1.4 billion a year to the economy, but it has been opposed by the shop workers' union.

I have to say that I have heard some strange things in my life and nothing was ever as crazy and strange than working in retail. I remember having a discussion with my then manger that I would not work on Sundays because Sunday is the Lord's day and a day when we can relax with family and as a Christian that we can spend sometime in the week of thanking God for the wonder of his creation and come to Church. The fact that the Government that claim to be Christian is now asking the Church of England not to stand in the way of their plans to relax the Sunday trading law is laughable. It shows you who the Government's God truly is that of money and greed.
In a world where a vast of majority of people are stressed and over worked people need a day week where they can forget the pressures of the week and spend time to rest with their families and relax. It is a vital part of our work life balance. So if anyone reads this I urge you maybe to strive to make your Sunday special and different from any other day of the week. Maybe also do I what I try and do and that is not to shop on Sundays where ever possible. it is interesting that there are also some big companies who do not totally agree with this proposal maybe they realise also that it is also important to have a good work life balance. Let us also hope that the Church of England tell the Government exactly what they think and strive to keep Sunday a day for the Lord of love and not for the love of money.     


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