Repent and Believe the Good news

Jesus in today’s Gospel tells us to “Repent and Believe the Good News.” This message is not only a message for the time of Jesus but a message for us today. It is something that as Christians we are engaged with every day. In the office of the Church there is an opportunity at the end of the day to look back over the day and look at where maybe we need to change and do better. To examine our Conscience and try and do better the next day is something that we can all do. And then after doing that examination ask the Lord’s forgiveness. It may mean that we need to the next day or over the next week to go to Confession and have that wonderful sacrament of healing.

But the second phrase of what Jesus says is also something that we can do as well every day. “Believe the Good News.”

What is this Good News? This Good news is first of all that we are loved by God but also that he died for our Sins. When I mediate on this I often think about the Cross. Here is that Good news made manifest for all of the world to see. Jesus arms out stretched in love and embracing us all.

And what is our response to this call. We find this out in the second half of the Gospel. We have the call of the first disciples. Often though unlike the first disciples we don’t respond so readily. We have doubts we argue with God. I have learnt that something that I have struggled with is to give myself totally to God. We hold things back. We struggle and push against the call. But when you look at those first disciples it gives me great hope. Jesus called Sinners he called people like you and me. Jesus does not call perfection he calls us with all our issues and personality he uses us.

 And so we should try and dedicate our day to Christ every day and re affirm in us the Vocation that has been given to us by Jesus. Let’s pray that we can and will be able to do it.   


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