And he spoke with authority 4 th Sunday of the year

On the first week of May this country will go to the polls to vote for who we wish to have in power over the next five years. It is something that we should all take seriously. We should try and make an informed decision in conscience. If you are like me you may have already got sick and tired of the rhetoric and spin that comes with the General election. But, why do we not listen to politicians any more or if we do we listen to it with a small pinch of salt.

When we listen to today’s Gospel we can see that the people listened to Jesus. Why? The answer comes in the opening of the Gospel “And his teaching made a deep impression on them because, unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority.” We all strive to listen to people who speak with authority and something that is new. Jesus spoke something that was new. He preaching spoke to them because unlike the modern day Politian his words and actions ran parallel with each other.

What happens then when we listen to this new authority this new teaching? Well the first thing is that our life is transformed. We can learn from Jesus teaching how to live and how to act in the world. But, often our hearts are hardened from Jesus teaching. The challenge of the Gospel is to open our hearts to receive this radical new teaching.

We almost hear new things every day so what makes Jesus teaching special. Well Jesus was able to speak with authority because it is God himself speaking to us. And when God speaks we should listen. It is Good news it is something that is new. Our response is not just passive listening but active listening to God. The Gospel has the power to transform our lives if we allow the authority and teaching of Jesus to penetrate and soften our hearts. 

“Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts” 


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