Listen to a message

JEREMIAH had this problem that he felt that his preaching was going on deaf ears. The people refused to listen. He tried his best but he felt that he had to shout to be heard.

 I remember a story of one priest who had a huge problem preaching. As soon as he started people would emerge themselves into the Newsletter.  So he went to ask his bishop about it. His advice was to shock them into listening. But also this priest had a very bad memory. So the bishop said tell the people you have fallen in love. That should wake them up. Then when you have go their attention tell them it’s our Lady Mary and you can talk about that. So at Mass on Sunday he got up and said “I have fallen in Love” everyone was shocked and listened. “But” he continued “I can’t remember who with.” 

Listening to the message of Jeremiah must have been difficult to hear and yet he had a message that people needed to hear and take heed off. As a Christian Church we have an important message to tell others. Sometimes this message is hard to tell others and sometimes it is something that people do not want to hear. Jesus had this problem with his disciples. He needed to tell them that he was going to suffer and that if they followed him they would suffer too. But he told them that they must take up their cross and follow we must try our best to follow in his footsteps we must try our best and it is hard and difficult to model ourselves on Christ and do what he wants.

We thirst for the Lord, we try our best and we get things wrong and so we must learn all the time to keep our prayer life for we yearn for the Lord we must as the psalmist says “ Cling to the Lord” for his right hands holds us fast in his love. 


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