Feeding of the five thousand
I read a report a
few weeks ago to say that religion was dead that we no longer desired or had
any need for God. Also in the same report that many young people could not or
would not be interested in God and were just out for their own self and had no
regard for anything else. Even there has been an attempt to change the language
of religion. I heard the other day on the radio someone talking about
“mindfulness” actually they were describing prayer without mentioning God. I
was in the middle of washing up at the time and shouted at the radio and said
“That is called prayer.”
My recent trip to Lourdes I have come across something
very different and they remind me of the readings today.
In the readings today we hear about coming to the water
and the feeding of the five thousand with bread and fish. It is in these
readings that we notice the generosity of God Notice his generosity in the
feeding of the five thousand in this Gospel Jesus uses Five loaves and two
fishes and the people have more and enough to eat in fact there is enough left
over. His generosity is seen in the sacraments of the Church from the life
giving water in the sacrament of baptism to the eating of Jesus Body and blood
in the Mass. This generosity was shown to me in a very real sense this last
week. God’s generous love was especially shown in the Mass we celebrated every
day the reconciliation service and the sacrament of the sick. It shows us that
as St Paul says “Nothing can come between us and the love of God.” We can taste
and see the Goodness of the Lord in the sacraments that we celebrate in the