Respect for the Blessed Sacrament

The Most Holy Body and Blood


Sometime ago I was celebrating a First Holy Communion Mass and when it came to communion I gave it to one chap when I said “ The Body of Christ” he responded “ Cheers Mate” As you can imagine I was quite taken back from this response. When we were clearing up the Church after the Mass we found an array of sweet rappers and even someone had brought in a McDonalds to eat during the Mass. This is an extreme example of what actually is happening in most parishes. Many priests have seen the lack of respect for the Blessed Sacrament in their parishes on the rise.

I began to wonder if someone like the Queen or Pope came to their parishes would they keep talking about what they were having for Dinner or leave early when there was no good reason to do so like catching the last bus. I am sure that it would seem disrespectful. And yet here at Mass here is the Church is someone greater than the Pope and the Queen it is God himself on the Altar. We receive him. And so we should prepare ourselves to receive him in a prayerful way. Coming into the Church and stop our conversations before Mass to prepare to receive the greatest gift we will ever receive. We should before Mass talk to God and after Mass talk to our friends.

When we receive communion we should say Amen in a clear voice why should we do this because we are saying that I believe that this is the body and Blood of Jesus it is no longer Bread and wine but Jesus.

The readings also remind us that we remember the good things that God has done for us. In the first reading we are told “Do not forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt” In the Mass we remember the Good things that Jesus has done for us. And we are given strength from the Mass from receiving Jesus by being in communion with our Brothers and Sisters to carry on in our daily lives.

And so never forget the love God has for his people that he has given us this most wonderful sacrament and gift. Let us give Jesus then the respect he deserves here in the Church on how we receive him and our prayerful thanks giving afterwards. And if we are not doing this maybe we should ask why not and change.



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