Holy Thursday
Today as we
embark on the most holy three days we remember in a very special way the
mystery of God’s love for us. We gather this evening as the disciples did in
that upper room. We gather with Christ. We watch and listen to the words and
actions. And that is what I want you to do this evening. I want you to watch
and listen and learn about God’s love for us. Watch as the feet are washed
around the Church in a few moments. As Christ did for his disciples who he was
sent to serve so I as priest do to you who I have been sent to serve. And think
of what it means the feet the most used part of the body sometimes smelly
sometimes tired and they are washed as a sign of service and love. So today is the institution of the priesthood.
It is one of unselfish service and love for all people. Shown in this beautiful
act of service.
The drama
continues at the Altar a symbol of Christ. It is here that we discover the
institution of the Eucharist. Listen as Christ tells to “Do this in memory of
me” something that has been done unbroken all through the ages. Christ’s
command to take and eat and take and drink to digest Jesus. Today like that first Eucharist we meet Christ
and see this act of love. We shall see tomorrow the greatest sacrifice of his
life to save us from our sins but, tonight he gives us his body and blood. When
we receive Jesus in communion what do we say Listen again to what we say a
simple word which means so much we say “amen” yes I believe and we say it in a
loud voice.
The drama
takes a dramatic turn of events. We move from this great Amen and move from to
the Garden of Gethsemane. We take ourselves with Jesus to the Altar of Repose.
The mood changes to quiet reflection we place ourselves with Jesus and watch
and pray with him. We remember those
words that Jesus said to his disciples “can you not wait just one hour with me?
“ Everything soon will be striped and gone the world will feel empty. Even the
disciples will leave him and deny him. I will show this symbolically by
throwing the altar cloth of the altar. The altar the symbol of Christ is
stripped bare.
These acts
of love that we encounter over the next few days gives us a moment of
reflection. We think who am I that this God of ours gives us him very self. I
gaze on the drama that is unfolding and realise it is because I was made by
God. That God love me so very much that he invites us to eat of him. He invites
us to “Do this in memory of me” He shows us an example so that we may do the