Water of life

Palestinians in the Gaza strip looking for water to drink

There are all in our lives basic needs that we need to live. They are food, shelter, water and security. Without these we cannot hope to live and survive. But, do these basic needs give us fulfilment in life. IT seems that the other needs we have can be based around these four basic needs.

The woman had been through a lot and seemed to be searching for something more than the basic needs. She had been through a lot in her life. The well would have been a traditional place for meeting people. And whom did she come across but Jesus. He asks her for a drink. She is surprised as Samaritans do not usually associate themselves with Jews.

Water is a very basic need it is something that sustains and helps life. Sadly many places in the world do not have clean water use. In the Gaza strip by 2016 for example they will run out of clean drinking water because of the Israeli government. It seems to me that this very basic of needs should be available to all. And in other parts of the world there has been laws passed to prevent people running out of drinking water. In this country for example it is against the law not to give someone a glass of water if they knock on your door and ask for it.
Jesus recognizes this very basic need but he turns it on its head. He describes himself as the living water and whoever drinks of this water will never be thirsty again.
The woman at the well was thirsting for something more than what her life had given to her. She was thirsting for God. And she found him and because she found him and she told others who also believed in him.
We live in a world that is constantly thirsting for something different from the cult of celebrity and from the trappings of the world. But many people have not yet found the living water they have not found Jesus and his love.

The other basic need that we can and must receive is a spiritual need. The need for God. In one of the psalms it states that we are thirsting for God the God of my life. We thirst for this spiritual dimension of our lives. We all thirst for God we all need every day to seek him and drink of this living spring of Jesus. And just like the Samaritan woman we also need to lead others to Christ so that they too can receive this joy into their hearts. Our spiritual life is vital basic need for life it helps us make sense of some of the things that happens to us. IT gives meaning to our lives and draws us closer to Jesus who wants us to drink the living water.


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