Lent week 1
Ash Wednesday morning I was listening to the radio and
they were discussing Lent. In the discussion there was a general idea that Lent
was good for us. It was a time when we could give things up to make us feel
better. What are you doing for Lent? If Lent therefore becomes a quest to lose
weight or to male ourselves feel better then we need to ask ourselves what
exactly the meaning is of lent. Lent is a time when we stop in our busy lives
and focus our minds away from self and on God. If in the process we lose weight
or feel better about ourselves then that’s good. But, it should not be focused
on self but on our relationship with Jesus.
This is golden opportunity to have a spiritual spring
clean and look towards the Lord in prayer and fasting and works of charity so
that we can come to the Lord at Easter knowing him a little better than we do
But, this Lent I want to focus myself to talking about
one aspect of getting closer to God and that is in the sacrament of reconciliation.
I want people to know the joy of this wonderful sacrament. The other week I was
at SPH hearing confessions. After almost over 200 confessions that went on that
day a teacher who was not a catholic came to me and said “ What a wonderful
gift you Catholics have to know you are forgiven and loved by God that you can
speak without anyone judging you” And I thought yes he was absolutely right.
And as I reflected on what he was saying I realised that this gift given to us
by Jesus is sadly very underused and kept at the back or bottom of the
Many people do not use this gift because of many
different reasons. These reasons the Bishop spoke about last week in his
letter. Jesus gives us an invitation to spend these 40 days to prepare for the
great feast of Easter. I invite you to bring your anxiousness you may have to
the Lord in prayer. It may take you several weeks to pluck up the courage to
go. To truly understand what is going on.
I know myself and Fr Tony are very willing to talk to anyone of you
about it and to help you receive again this wonderful gift. You will find the times of the sacrament of
reconciliation in the newsletter or simply just ring the office to make an