Sucking life
There is something very special about sometimes walking
down by the sea front and watching the Sun rise. This I have been very lucky to
do this week as the time I walk the dog has usually started under the cover of
darkness gradually as the light comes into the world you get the most beautiful
sun rise. It warms the heart to see it even though I am in a hat and scarf it
is a beautiful sight.
In the readings today we get this theme of light and
darkness. Quoting Isaiah Matthew reminds the listeners the event that we hear
about in the Old Testament reading. The places that Isaiah talks about are in
modern day Galilee and was the first province of Israel to be conquered by the
Assyrians. Isaiah is predicting the liberation for the oppressed of that
region. It is ironic that this area is still occupied by Israel that people are
still living in fear.
The ministry of Jesus begins with this symbol of light.
Matthew is telling us that Jesus is the liberator. He is the one who brings us
the light in the darkness of oppression. The teaching of Jesus is truly the
light for those who hear it. Jesus describes his ministry as light. He
describes to us that “he is the light of the world.” His freedom and light
extends through the whole of creation and is for all people who are willing to
hear it.
This light extends in the Church today. This extends in a
few ways. It extends in the sacraments and the personal encounter with others.
I am often very moved when I see the light penetrate people in the sacraments I
think this particularly happens in both the sacrament of the sick and in
reconciliation. In both these sacraments the light of Jesus comes to people who
can be in a very vulnerable state. When Christ touches them in the sacrament of
the sick either at the end of their earthly life or when seriously ill you can
almost see a burden lifted from their shoulders Christ’s healing touch brings
light into their hearts and also those around them. In the sacrament of
reconciliation hearing the words of absolution knowing that they are forgiven
that they are loved the light of Jesus again penetrates their souls.
The Christian community as Church also has a
responsibility to play. We can be
sources of light in the world by speaking and bringing light. We show the light
to others. A beckon of joy in a world that needs light. But, so often the
opposite happens. We are like the dementors in the Harry Potter books rather
than giving light and life we suck every last bit out of people. The Holy
Father described them as sourpusses. We
do this with our negativity with always complaining about the Church by never
having a good word to say about people, by our jealously and envy. Our faces
and body language at Church makes it impossible for other around to experience
the joy of the Gospel. If we are like this how then can we possibly be light
for others. In our moments of darkness when we feel the world is upon us when
we cannot be light for others because all we can do is struggle to exist
ourselves let us remember the Sunrise and how beautiful they can be and when
the sunsets there is always the promise in it that we will feel the light of
Jesus again.