All this dull and Ugly


There was a famous song by Monty Python that was a parody on all things bright and beautiful called “All things dull and ugly” IT was not only poking fun at the well-known hymn but also saying a serious point that God created all things whether we like them a lot.

But we read in the wisdom today “for had you hated anything, you would not have formed it.” In the book of Genesis it says that God saw all that he had made at it was good.

This theme continues Paul. God’s love of creation extends to us he says “We pray continually that our God will make you worthy of his call.” This goodness of creation extends to us. He formed us each individual and unique because God loves us. Because we have faith in his love and because he created us in love then we can be sure that it is good.

Both of these readings for me shed new light on the Gospel reading. It is the famous story of Zacchaeus. Jesus sees him and asks that he come to his house.

Those listening and seeing this action would have been surprised and shocked that Jesus asked to go to a tax collectors house for they were sinners and universally hated because they were often people who would ask for more and line their own pocket. They were the energy companies of their time.  Listen to those around him. You can almost imagine them in a group gossiping about what Jesus was doing. Jesus looks at him and sees something worthy of salvation. He saw a sinner but was able to see the good in him.

We can often feel the same. We can often feel that we are not worthy of the love of Jesus in our lives. We may feel that because we are sinners and full short that we are unworthy of his love. We are simply not good enough.

We can also be like those who are standing around gossiping about people. Judging others who are different from us. We may not even realise that we are doing it sometimes and yet by not challenging others wrong ideas is sometimes enough.

Jesus is not worried about what people say about him. He asks and wants to come into the house of Zacchaeus. He shows himself above the gossip and enters into the house. Jesus wants to enter our houses to he wants to dwell with us. We may often feel unworthy, we may often feel that we do not deserve his love but he does it anyway. Jesus has come to save us he wants to come to us. Let us have the courage to answer his call.


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