Judge? Who me?

I think one of the things that I find very difficult is not to judge others. We don't mean to do it sometimes but it just happens. We may judge a person by their looks or by the way they act. Sometimes we list can't help ourselves doing it. We may use the words " I never do that" where in fact we know that we might.

We may even get into a crowd and accuse the person almost safety in numbers. This is what happened in today's gospel. The people take it on themselves to condemn the woman and bring her to Jesus. What is the reaction of Jesus. He appears to be writing in the ground during their questions to catch him out. But, what does he write? We are not told but, because of the writing in the ground no one was able to cast the first stone. I like to think that Jesus was writing one of three things. Some say that he was writing their names on the ground as they were picking up their stones. Others say that he was writing the crowd sins on the ground and they felt that they could not throw stones. Some one was saying that he was writing simply "I love you" in the ground and that was enough. Whatever it maybe they gradually disperse. Their Is no one to condemn her so Jesus does not condemn either.

Again with last weeks gospel we get that feeling of the love of God for us who are sinners is immense. Jesus forgives us but challenges us to try not to it again. We are caught up in that love affair with Jesus and he is caught up with us.

The most wonderful sacrament that we have in the church that helps with this is the sacrament of reconciliation. The new pope Francis asked in his first homily to return simply to the person of Christ. We can do this in this sacrament which sadly is the under used. It is sacrament where The Lord says to us " go away and sin no more" we know that The Lord himself forgive us. I is wonderful and liberating and with many you can really see that they have been forgiven by The Lord especially those who have not been for a long time.


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