Musical Musing 2

After the last Post about Music I promised you another insight into Music. So lets look at the Reality show. It is here that we have see  many great moments and also some very bad moments. Who can ever forget some of those contestants who have graced our screens on a Saturday night. 

This is one of the most cringing moments in the X factor. Of course though not being able to sing does not mean that you will not make it to the live finals. Who can ever, and really I am trying, to forget this offering from Ireland. 
Yes Jedward was one of the most annoying acts to come out of any reality show. And they are still continuing to annoy with appearing on the Eurovision song contest.There are many other acts that I can show on here but I really do not want to waste your time. I leaveyou with one more from American Idol enjoy.
But hey, lets not focus on the bad there has been a lot of people who have been on these kind of shows that have been good, even when others have not been. Here are just a few and they sing. 

And not us forget some of the great performers we have now who have graced our screens and radios in this country who have gone on to have great voices. I will finish this musical musings with their voice and them alone. There is no comments that I need to put on here just them singing. I wonder of you agree with the choice?

Although these are two quite different styles of music they show that there is hidden talents and these shows although bring out the worst in human nature sometimes expose real and good talent that we can all share and enjoy. 


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