Memorial Mass Homily 2012
One of the hardest parts about losing a person in death of
someone we love is not always necessary the funeral but when everyone has gone
home and we are alone with our own thoughts. We also may find a close friend to
talk to about some of the events leading up to the funeral and also what the
future has in store for you.
The disciples in today’s gospel had just lost their friend
who they had placed so much hope in. They were talking about everything that
had been going on trying their best to make sense of all the events. And Jesus
walks among them but they were unable to recognize him. They only really
recognize him in the breaking of bread.
Often we can feel that we do not recognize the love of
Christ that has been lavished upon us in times of distress or grief and we find
it hard to recognize him. And yet it is here at the Eucharist that Jesus is
truly present to us in a very real way. The disciples recognized Jesus in the
breaking of bread in the Eucharist. We also recognize him in the breaking of
bread when we come to Mass for it is here that we discover his love for us. For
here is the risen Christ walking among us. And it is also here that we are closest
to those who have gone before us because we get that glimpse of heaven in the
Jesus promised us eternal life to be with him forever. We
can be sure of that promise and that we “shall see him as he really is” because
we are his children and although we may not necessarily recognize him he
recognizes all his children.
And so we come today in the presence of the one who loves us
to pray for those who have died but also to support and pray for each other.