Fashion Tips for what its worth 2

I was given a challenge after the last Fashion tips I looked at whats hot and whats not. I was given a challenge to ask the question: What should a person wear in Church? An interesting question. We have gone through that stage of Sunday best. When we think about Sunday best, and I remember as a child, that we would have special clothes for going to Church in. But it brought a serious point of wearing clothes fit for coming to Church in. But I do think the days of wearing a suit and tie and our Sunday frock are the days of the past. So what should we wear at Church. I myself have been know to wear my West Ham top, only when we went up So lets look at what's hot and not in the fashion world of the Church.

Sunday Best

Let us look first of all at the priest what should his vestments look like. 
Oh Dear Father.
Whats that on your head.

These are two examples that are just a little bit silly and I have no comment to make that will change what I think. All I can say is that these cannot be any ones ideas of Sunday best. I think it may even be on the fringes of the just plan Silly. Imagine coming to your service and seeing these  two there. You may think that you have turned up to the wrong event. My advice on seeing this in front of you is to say quick prayer and find another Church. For me they would be far to distracting.

Simply beautiful 
Now we have had two examples of what not to wear for clerics on a Sunday and I am sure that we could find many more examples, but I want to look at other examples of both beautiful vestments and also what Joe public should wear.

Here are some examples of some beautiful vestments including a photo of me in my ordination vestment which is lovely. It also shows a very young me. They are not silly or distracting but help in the dignity of the Mass and the Liturgy.

But what about Joe public well I think that there are some big No No's. High heals just should not be worn in Church. They are loud and we know that you are coming. The same with to short shorts. Fine for outside but not for Church. I think that actually the best way to come to Church is as you are. Simply beautiful in the eyes of God. I don't think that Jesus actually cares how we are dressed as long as our intentions are clear. Its whats on the inside that matters not what we look like on the outside. So my advice, for what its worth is Come as you are because God loves you. 

Ordination Vestment


Susan said…
Much nodding of approval for your latest comments on church wear . There were some decidedly dodgy vestments pics ,I'm not at all sure it was really fair using a pic of a female 'bishop?', I'm sure there must be some of equally ridiculous pics of RC clergy.

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