Holy Thursday

The other day a person came into the Church just to be still and be quiet. I went over to talk to her and she explained  to me that in this Church she could feel some kind of presence and peace.  This is not a uncommon thing for people to say when they walk into any Catholic Church that they feel something. What is it? I strongly believe that what they feel is the person of Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. This reality that Jesus is just as present here in this Church as he was when he walked our earth brings great hope and comfort to a lot of people. At the same time as I say this command of Jesus to “Do this in memory of me” has also divided many Christians across the world. What did he actually mean when he said these words?

Could we look at it in two ways? Jesus asked us to share this meal to do this in memory of me and that is what we have been doing since this time. We have been gathering as a community to pray and share this sacred meal and it has gone through many changes and developed into what we do this evening. 

But we also need to see what Jesus was doing. He had before the meal washed the disciples feet he became a servant for his friends John tells us “ He always loved those who were his own in the world, but now he showed how perfect his love was.”In other parts of the Gospel John Jesus had spoken of himself as a Shepherd who would lay down his life for his flock and take it up again. These actions are expressed as Jesus lay down his outer garment and took up the towel which he wrapped around his waist like the rope round a slave. He was giving an example of pure and perfect love. He was asking us also to do this in memory of me. We should love the same way by becoming servants to each other. Jesus at the end of the Gospel asks the apostles weather they understood what he had done and we should wash other people’s feet to.

 Last night at the Chrism Mass with the other priests of the diocese rededicated myself to the priesthood and the Church. This evening I also rededicate myself to you promising to the best of my ability of when asked or the need arises to wash your feet also.


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