Easter 2012


There are many moving and powerful signs that happen during the Holy Week, the washing of feet on Holy Thursday, the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday and today the new light of the Risen Christ penetrating the darken Church and our lives. The Contrast between light and darkness, desolation and joy can be seen both in the liturgy the Church and also the readings throughout the last few days. Look at how bear the Church looked on Good Friday there were no signs of life and joy. We as the Church were with Christ on the cross. We left the Church in silence and with hearts and minds heavy. Just like those who stood and the foot of the cross walked away in their own darkness and silence.

But, we know that this darkness will not last for long for today the Church shakes with joy as we celebrate the Resurrection as we celebrate life.
If we look at society there are many people who describe our world as a culture of death: Where people cannot see any life or joy. Christ challenges this attitude his light penetrates the darkness of our lives just as the Easter Candle lights the way for us today. And that is how we should live not in the darkness but in the light. Living through the joy of the Resurrection for we are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song. And we as his disciples need to be that light for others. To recognize people who are caught in the darkness cannot find a way out we need to be that guiding light.

Let us look at the Readings again for inspiration for how we might be guiding lights for others.

 When the women on that first Easter Sunday Morning were walking to the tomb in darkness they were apprehensive about the stone that was going to block their way to the dead body of Jesus.  This bulk was not an obstacle for the power of God. In the psalm we see the image of this stone rejected by the builders becoming the corner stone that holds everything together. This stone is no longer a symbol of death but of life. In the rising of Jesus from the dead all things are made possible. Light conquers darkness. Life conquers death.
There are tough questions for us today as we celebrate the Life that comes from the Resurrection.  Do we live our lives in a culture of death or life?  Are we as parish proclaiming a Risen Christ? In a few moments we again will renew our baptismal promises. Let us again recommit to being an Easter People therefore people of life and light. 


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