
Showing posts from April, 2012

Vocations Sunday 29th April 2012

VOCATIONS SUNDAY (29th April)  is a day when, as a diocese, we pray particularly for vocations to the priesthood.   The life of the priest is immensely fulfilling.  It is a calling which brings great joy and blessing.  Please pray hard for vocations to the priesthood.  Your sons and grandsons are those whom God may be calling to this radical way of life ...  Every young Catholic single man needs to ask himself the question, at some stage in his life, 'Is God calling me to be a priest?'. Please consider how best you might help single men of all ages to consider the calling of Christ in their lives.  Do you pray for vocations to the priesthood?  Could you start a parish prayer group to support vocations to the priesthood?  Do you invite the young men of your parish or your family to seriously consider the priesthood?   Could you be a link person with the Vocations Director for your parish?  Could you organise a monthly Hol...

Chrism mass Papal Homily

This was the Pope's Homily for the Chrism Mass which was very inspiring what do you think At this Holy Mass our thoughts go back to that moment when, through prayer and the laying on of hands, the bishop made us sharers in the priesthood of Jesus Christ, so that we might be “consecrated in truth” (Jn 17:19), as Jesus besought the Father for us in his high-priestly prayer. He himself is the truth. He has consecrated us, that is to say, handed us over to God for ever, so that we can offer men and women a service that comes from God and leads to him. But does our consecration extend to the daily reality of our lives – do we operate as men of God in fellowship with Jesus Christ? This question places the Lord before us and us before him. “Are you resolved to be more united with the Lord Jesus and more closely conformed to him, denying yourselves and confirming those promises about sacred duties towards Christ’s Church which, prompted by love of him, you willingly and joyfully pled...

Easter 2012

Easter There are many moving and powerful signs that happen during the Holy Week, the washing of feet on Holy Thursday, the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday and today the new light of the Risen Christ penetrating the darken Church and our lives. The Contrast between light and darkness, desolation and joy can be seen both in the liturgy the Church and also the readings throughout the last few days. Look at how bear the Church looked on Good Friday there were no signs of life and joy. We as the Church were with Christ on the cross. We left the Church in silence and with hearts and minds heavy. Just like those who stood and the foot of the cross walked away in their own darkness and silence. But, we know that this darkness will not last for long for today the Church shakes with joy as we celebrate the Resurrection as we celebrate life. If we look at society there are many people who describe our world as a culture of death: Where people cannot see any life or joy. Christ...

Holy Thursday

The other day a person came into the Church just to be still and be quiet. I went over to talk to her and she explained  to me that in this Church she could feel some kind of presence and peace.  This is not a uncommon thing for people to say when they walk into any Catholic Church that they feel something. What is it? I strongly believe that what they feel is the person of Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. This reality that Jesus is just as present here in this Church as he was when he walked our earth brings great hope and comfort to a lot of people. At the same time as I say this command of Jesus to “Do this in memory of me” has also divided many Christians across the world. What did he actually mean when he said these words? Could we look at it in two ways? Jesus asked us to share this meal to do this in memory of me and that is what we have been doing since this time. We have been gathering as a community to pray and share this sacred meal and it h...

Palm Sunday

I decided today that I would not preach but I would really like to share with you some thoughts about the day. The first thing that struck me was the crowd and what they were doing. We hear that Jesus was welcomed into the city of Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and people were singing songs of praise to him. What a great welcome. I wonder who was there. I wonder if there were people there that Jesus had healed and helped in his ministry. He was not entering as a King but a prince of peace. Within a week this same crowd that had gathered for the Passover had turned on him and they were now not shouting songs of praise but " Crucify Him." The same happens for us today. We sing the songs of praise when we have the palms blessed and within a hour we are saying "Crucify Him" The same crowd as before. Maybe even in the  time of Jesus the same people were there for both events.  We know that we can both praise Jesus by the actions that we do but, also at the same ti...