The Fifth Sunday of the year (Education Sunday)
There is a
huge danger in modern society today. And it is a disastrous disease that is
sweeping across the whole of Western society today: that is the danger of doing
too much. I know as a priest that there is always something to do, always
another place to be. You could unsuccessfully do 12 hour days 7 days a week. And
I am not the only profession/vocation that can do silly hours. And so that
actually happens is that we are defined by what we do rather than who we are.
By doing we feel needed and wanted by those around us. It is something that
gives us value in our lives. The common
phrase we find ourselves are “Would love to, Yes of course, I can do that.”
They always seem constantly busy and doing things. But by slowing down and stopping sometimes
causes a great deal of guilt for ourselves.
We run from
one event to another without taking time for ourselves and then we wonder why
we always feel under weather or get angry. And sometimes we have in ourselves
an innate feeling that everyone needs us so we must be all things to all
people. We get this wonderful false impression that only we can save the
In the
Gospel today we get this idea of a day in the life of Jesus where he seems to
go from place to place doing many things and from casting out devils to
preaching the Kingdom of God. In a sense his work was never done and yet we
learn that he was able to take some time out to pray and just be.
This weekend
we celebrate Education Sunday it is where we celebrate and also recognize and
thank God for the work of our Catholic Schools. We see from today’s Gospel that
there is a holistic approach to the life of Jesus where he takes time for
himself as well as work. So what should our schools be teaching? If we see that
Catholic Education is just about passing exams and teaching our young people to
be doers then we are missing the mark. We also need to teach our Children the
Catholic faith and to reflect and learn how to be. But most of all we must
teach our young people to pray and have a relationship with the person of