Advent 3

Have you ever been in a place where you know well but because it is dark it feels very unfamiliar. We feel our way and what appears normal with the light on is very different in the dark. But, then we the light on and we draw a collective sign of relieve because we realise where we are. The gospel today is about light. And where there is light there is hope. This is something that as Christians especially in this advent season we can really draw upon. We are people of the light and of hope. We can see this is our language even in this winter season. I have had so people say that it's ok the shortest day is next week and then it starts to get lighter.

Again this weekend we meet the rather strange character of John the Baptist: This time from the Gospel of John. We notice that he says that he is not the light " I am not the light." the noticeable words in this sentence is the words "I am." the listeners would have remembered the story of Moses and the burning bush. Where the holy name of God was said as "I am who I am" Jesus states his divinity through these words and states seven times in the gospel that "I am." so Jesus is our light and the hope of a brighter future. He is the expectant hope that we hear about in the first reading. Light tends to give warmth even on a cold day in a sheltered place we can feel the warmth of the light in the sun if it is out.

Often it is hard to see this light in what increasingly seems like a darkened world. A world that is in the midst of violence, economic meltdown where neighbour does not get on with each other. Through this darkness comes Jesus this is what gives us joy. So how does Jesus show us his light let us again look at the first reading. Here the prophet Isaiah states that the messiah would be the one to set people free. To un bind the captive and to declare a year of favour for the lord. To putting it simply is the light for the world around us and says to those who can only see darkness in their lives "I am the light"

And we have a responsibility to be that light for others. For we know who the light is for us and if we hide this light it will be put out. So let others see the light by the joy that knowing Christ our light gives to us by the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us in baptism. We were given that light at our baptism from the paschal candle a light divided but undimmed to be kept burning and to give others that light. Let us not rest in this awesome responsibility given to each one of us. So that others may also know that Jesus the Christ is the light for all people.


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