32nd Sunday of the Year A

THE END IS NIGH. But there is so many things that I want to do. Give me a little time:  The Cats still in the garden. I have not finished the washing. Can’t it wait until there is a little more time to have a think about it? Maybe tomorrow when I am not so busy?  And yet maybe the questions we need to ask are:  Am I ready? Have I done everything that I can? Am I ready to meet Jesus? Is my Soul really longing and thirsting for the God of my life.  
The Gospel shows us that sometimes we are not ready to meet the Lord. We are like the foolish bridesmaids who when asked are not ready at all because they were not prepared the story tells us that they had gone out to buy oil for their lamps: and so missed out.
It is suggested that we are like the wise bridesmaids who were ready for the bridegroom when he came.
So how do we do this? How do we get ready? Well the readings give us a very good clue. The psalmist prays and acknowledges that he is waiting and yearning for God. We wait in prayerfulness for the Lord’s coming. We build our relationship with the God who loves him. “For your love is better than life, my lips will speak your praise.” By prayerful communion with Jesus by coming to Mass and receiving the sacraments we are making ourselves ready. But, it is also putting this prayer into action. We need to try our best to live the Christian life in the world in which we live in.  In the book of wisdom it states “She herself walks about looking for those who are worthy of her in every thought of theirs coming to meet them.” Our relationship with the person of Christ our prayer life is shown in the way that we live our lives.

“So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.” Clearly Jesus did not know the time when the world would end. What he did know though is that we should be prepared and spiritually awake for that time. So in the words of the scout movement “be prepared.”


Susan said…
It's clear so far but why wouldn't the ever ready virgins share ? Surely we would be failing in out Christian duty if we didn't say to the unprepared or latecomers ,'I'll share with you, don't worry that your late or not quite ready , Jesus welcomes us all at anytime ' ???

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