New Bishop

I thought I would share with you the process that the Brentwood diocese are going through to discern a new Bishop

1)   Appointing a New Bishop

Bishop Thomas, having celebrated his seventy fifth birthday recently, has submitted his resignation to the Holy Father.  Once this has been accepted a formal process of consultation begins.  The final decision is taken by the Pope.  The Vatican Department responsible (The Congregation for Bishops) will give him the names and dossiers of three possible candidates – this called a ‘terna’.  This short list is prepared in consultation with the Papal Nuncio.  Over the coming months he will consult widely and send in the results together with his personal recommendation of three names.
The Nuncio plays crucial role.  He will consult Archbishop Vincent Nichols and the other Bishops of Westminster Province, the Diocesan College of Consultors – the Bishop’s advisory body – and some other clergy, religious and lay people.
What part can you play?  The Nuncio needs not just individual names but advice and information on the needs and priorities that will face a new Bishop so that he can weigh up the qualities of those whose names are put forward.  Any individual can write directly to the Nuncio but the advice is that groups should channel their submissions through the College of Consultors.  The Diocesan Chancellor, Mgr Gordon Read, will act as secretary to the Consultors and you should write to him or to the Nuncio, marking the envelope ‘Confidential’.  It is likely that the consultation process will take about three months starting from September.

His Excellency Archbishop Mennini
54 Parkside
London SW19 5NE

Mgr Gordon Read
The Presbytery
Church Street
Essex CO5 9AH

Please also commend to your personal prayer and the prayer of the parish community the whole process that we will embark upon with regards the choosing of a New Bishop for the Diocese of Brentwood.  Please use the Prayer Cards distribted to all parishes recently, and perhaps, even include the prayer every week in your Parish Newsletter 

On Sunday 9th October, The New Feast Day of Blessed John Henry Newman, there will be a Holy Hour in every Parish throughout the Diocese of Brentwood to pray for Process of choosing and the Intercesion of a New Bishop for the Diocese.  Each parish will make their own arrangements, re. time etc. Please encourage as many of the faithful people of God as possible to attend, and for for this very important intention. We will be seen to be united in prayer and faith in this most important taks ahead of us.


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