The Assumption
The Gospel we have heard today is one that the Church Sings and Praises every day in its evening prayer. It is probably one of the most recognizable pieces of scripture but what is at the heart of the Gospel. It is one of Mary’s proclamations of faith.  How does she do this? She does this with the whole essence of her being. Her Soul Praises God and her Spirit rejoices.  She recognizes that the Lord has done great things for her and through the words of the Gospel writer we see the whole salvation history proclaimed as Elizabeth listened.  There must have been much excitement between these two women because here was Elizabeth who we know to be barren and her Baby soon to be John the Baptist leapt in her womb and Mary probably a young girl of 14 had been given a great gift of life too. But also there must have been great bewilderment and anxiety about the future. And maybe this is why they met up. Both these women were out casts of society Elizabeth had to live in a cave because she was too old to have baby and it would have been frond upon by her village. And Mary maybe would have been driven out the town because she was an unmarried mother. We often get romanticised image of this scene and yet the reality is very different.  And yet in the mist of all this they were able to praise God.
They show us a great truth about our faith. They tell us that among all the confusion of life we still can find time to praise God and share it with others.
But this Gospel is also one of challenge for us who listen today. We see many who are hungry today they are not just physically hungry like those who live in the horn of Africa and it is gratifying to see so may people helping out with food and money especially from this parish but there are also those who are spiritually hungry. These people can be harder to help. We have seen in our own country this week that we live in a fractured society that is calling our fro some sort of meaning. Where there is fear and lack of understanding there is violence and hatred,. There seems to be in many a lack of social concern. I don’t think that this is a new thing. I think that it has always been there. But, because of our modern society where things appear on our TV sets as they happen to can appear that we live in a more violent and unstable society. Bad news sells.
We all need to be constantly fed with the Gospel. We can all come to a better understanding of who Jesus is for us. Mary at this point in her life must have wondered what was going on and what would happen to her and her Son. Yet we know that great marvels were worked for her.
So we have seen that Mary, with all the problems of her own life, a single Mother, a social outcast was still able to praise God. She fed herself with the Word of God and trusted in her Son.
Let us pray to Mary that we too may get to know her Son better. That we can be fed daily, with his words and sacraments. Let us also put our country into the loving hands of our Lady. One of the ancient titles of Mary is that of England her Dowry. Let us again ask for her prayers for our country and all who live in these isles.

Mary Queen of peace: Pray for us
Mary Assumed into heaven: Pray for us


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