The 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time A

For some reason when I read this Gospel these words came to me:
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.

At the end of the storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver
Song of a lark.
For the most astute of you and football fans you will know that this is the Anthem of Liverpool football club. But, it makes a good point about today’s Gospel.
Peter focus is on Jesus and looks at him. Without thinking putting his faith in Jesus he walks on the water and heads towards the boat. At this point because he has put his faith in Jesus he has not recognized the storm that is around him. As soon as he noticed that there was a storm around him he realised what he was doing and Jesus helped him out.
I have not meant many people who have walked on water but there is a parallel with our own lives. We can often be walking over many storms of life and the sea devours us if we are not careful but, we feel the strength of the storm. A natural response for all of us is that when things seem to go wrong in our lives and the storm clouds gather we can then have doubts about God. We tend to lose focus on the world. We lose some faith in Christ. And so because of the noise of the storm around us because we are battling against the elements we cannot hear the voice of God.
And the natural response is to run as far away for it is far easier than facing the storm. We lack courage and faith.
So in these storms of our lives how do we keep focused? Well we can get a few clues from Jesus himself. We discover that Jesus went off to a lonely place to pray: To be alone and recharge the batteries rather than rushing all the time. To remember a grace filled moments to enjoy and bask in the Sunshine and warmth this gives. To see each moment as a sacrament: the sacrament of the present moment listening to the voice of God at that time at that space keeping the focus in the one who loves us and says “My dear Child I love you very


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