OK! So Bin Laden is dead and there is, granted, a sense of relief around the world that the most wanted man in History has been killed. But, there are many things that worry me. Is it right that some parts of the world should be dancing and shouting for joy? It also seems wrong that the media have done nothing that talk about it all day: It is not a day to be waving our flags.

It is a day for reflection:

 No way should we as human beings rejoice at the death of another human being. We as Christians know that when we die we will be judged. And so Bin Laden will be judged when he meets God face to face. Our response maybe rather than singing and dancing for joy we should pray for all those who have died through acts of mindless and senseless violence, and also dare I say pray for those who do these act of violence.  Jesus gives us the message of unconditional forgiveness. Peter asks Jesus how many times should I forgive 7 times 70 is Jesus's response. Forgiveness is a challenge in any society and so if we find it difficult then let God help you.

So rather than flag waving let us take stock and pray for Peace and reconciliation and understanding that we must always strive for it in our own lives.  So let us look at ourselves learn from the world response that when someone who hurt us badly we should always look towards forgiveness rather than rejoicing and follow the example of Jesus.


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