Holy Thursday

In a letter to Priests on Holy Thursday Pope John Paul says:
We were born from the Eucharist. If we can truly say that the whole Church lives from the Eucharist…we can say the same thing about the ministerial priesthood: it is born, lives, works and bears fruit “de Eucharistia.” There can be no Eucharist without the priesthood, just as there can be no priesthood without the Eucharist.

I think that this beautify sums up for us what tonight is all about. It is first of all about the Eucharist the Mass and what it means for so many people though out the Catholic tradition. We have been following the Lord’s command to: Do this is memory of me since that night when Jesus shared his Passover with his disciples. The Mass is central to whom we are and as Vatican II says it is the source and summit of our worship: And as we have seen though out History apart from being a sign of unity it has been a source of Diversity and controversy even to putting people to Death.

In the second reading today we see that Paul talks about the tradition that he had received. This is our earliest account of the Eucharist and what is interesting is that this is earlier than the account in the Gospels and the Tradition had already been established so it has always been important for the community to: Do this in memory of me.
For me one of the moving parts of the Mass today is the washing of feet. Jesus shows us by his actions the depth of his love. In the times of Jesus the servant would wash the people’s feet as they came into a house. So what was Jesus showing us is that we should be servants to others.

The other thing that we look at today is the institution of the Priesthood. We see two ideas the first thing that we have seen as I have said earlier is the Institution of the Eucharist and linked with that is service. Priesthood is about being at service to the Gospel by bringing people to God. And I have to say for me it is the best job on earth. I would and could not do anything else. Bringing Christ to others and watching people grow in their faith and also allowing me to grow with them is a joy to watch and be part of.

Today in L’arche I witnessed a very moving act it showed me what exactly what service was as each member of the community washed each other’s feet or hands We need to be able to be servants to each other following the example of Christ and washing each other’s feet allowing Christ so let us learn from Jesus as we continue to do this in memory of me and learn how to love and serve each other.


Anne Chapman said…
You must give us a talk one day about what it feels like to be a priest. Saying Mass must be a bit scary sometimes as you are 'standing in' for God.

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